Saturday 28 September 2013

Ginny Weirick
Ginny hails from the east bay area in northern California. After graduating high school, she traveled south to San Diego where she attended San Diego State University, receiving her B.A. in Theatre Arts with an emphasis in performance.
She began her professional on-screen career when she was cast in Tales of the Grudge, directed by Toby Wilkins and produced by Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures. Wilkins later cast her in “Devil’s Trade”, a horror based web-series also produced by Ghost House Pictures.
Ginny began her television debut when she was cast in the HBO series “Entourage”. Following that came work on ABC’s “Ugly Betty”, “Private Practice”, and most recently guest starred on “NCIS”.
She completed her first lead role in a feature film in 2007, with the comedy Ninja Cheerleaders. Following that was a supporting role in Fling, internationally titled Lie to Me. In 2008, Ginny was cast as the Lead in Wolf Moon (formerly Dark Moon Rising), an independent horror film starring Max Ryan, Maria Conchita Alonso, Chris Mulkey, and Chris Divecchio.

Ginny most recently wrapped Sony's
'The Hit List' starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Cole Hauser.

NCIS Guest Star CBS
Private Practice Guest Star ABC
Devil’s Trade Series Regular FEARNET
Entourage Co-Star HBO
Ugly Betty Co-Star ABC

Hit List Lead DIR. William Kaufman
Swing Lead DIR. Jeff Prugh
Wolf Moon (formerly Dark Moon Rising) Lead DIR. Dana Mennie
Fling Supporting DIR. John Stewart Muller
Ninja Cheerleaders Lead DIR. David Presley
Tales from the Grudge Lead DIR. Toby Wilkins

The Vagina Monologues Liked to Look SDSU
Cat feet of the Fog Scabootch SDSU
The Posada Project Maria SDSU

B.A. Theatre Arts SDSU

Warner Loughlin Studios (current) Scene Study
Diana Castle Scene Study
Joanne Baron/D.W. Brown Studio Meisner
Ivana Chubbuck Studio Scene Study


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